Thursday, June 9

Life lessons we can all learn from on The Bachelorette episode 2

I am a week behind on watching The Bachelorette.  Here are some general take aways that apply to life from episode 2:

- Don’t go shopping for a wedding cake on a first date
- Hair gel can be nice, but it can also be EASILY overdone.
- If you are going to dance – dance! 
- Don’t say please more than 3 times…at least don't say it for something that is not important!
- Truth or dare type questions on a 1st date is never a great idea
- Men – tweezing eyebrows is fine – but you gotta be careful to not over do it
- Don’t do a coin toss to get a first kiss with someone!
- Bangs can be super cute, but don’t wear them too long and not show off your pretty face
- Men- take advantage of every opportunity you can find to wear a suit
- Don’t vacuum in your underwear on national TV

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Wait, I LOVE these!!!