Monday, July 4

Wait...I thought all parents have the United Nations flag hanging in their dining room

So I got to visit my parents over the long weekend and decided to share a taste of my life with you guys....are you ready?

My parents are fabulous hippies.  Not the drug using music loving hippies, but the protesting liberal to the core hippies. Throughout the blog I will share tidbits of their awesome-ness, but for now, I will just share photos of their house.  I realized while taking these pictures, that all of this seems really normal to me - having Balinese art next to the UN flag in the dining room.  Let's just say my parents are not boring.

Here is a tour:

Frogs in a water fountain outside - my mom loves frogs, my mom also loves water fountains. Even more than frogs and fountains, she loves birds.  She is also happy when birds come to drink out of the fountain.  

Random hippy art

A gong, that my dad painted.  Behind the gong is some Balinese art

A Balinese mark at the entry way of the house.  Welcome to the Myers/Peeples household - don't be scared

Another mask to welcome visitors

Typical art hanging on the wall in the office

Not sure really, I think Mayan art

Shiny things hanging from the ceiling

More Mayan art - also notice the Christmas lights - my family loves lights all year round (even though we are Buddhist/Unitarians)

Art I bought dad when I was in India (he requested specific pieces that I was supposed to buy him when I was there)

This wall art actually looks like water is really flowing (yes, I am not joking), this is in the downstairs basement and represents the waterfalls of the Havasupai in the grand canyon

A painting my dad did inspired by the same waterfalls:

Yes, my father has a shrine....wait....yours does not? I thought everyone had a shrine?  The next two pictures are from the shrine

Here is a painting my dad did (I think?) from our time living on a Hopi reservation

Some religions have commandments and strict rules.  Us Unitarians have seven principles which congregations affirm and promote.  My dad has created art and pictures to explore these, here is one photo he took titled "imbalance begets balance"  Notice the 20 dollar torn bill in the corner of the picture....ask me for the story in person sometime.
 Here is another one

More art from Bali and India (picked it up on my 2nd trip over there)

Yes, that is a buffalo skull, yes, a buffalo skull. My dad is creating an elaborate piece of art

We also like nifty stuffed animals

We also like masks, here is a mask of an owl

Here is a painting my dad did of a dove

Here is the UN flag hanging in my dining room:

Typical reading materials (typical for my mom, but probably too mainstream for my dad)

In the guest bathroom, we have M&M Christmas lights up year round.  You might ask why?  My family would ask "Why not"

Some more of my dad's paintings/art

Star trek and the wizard of oz - typical

My parents love this one

Here is the gong from earlier - but my dad wanted to move it where I could get a better picture.  Notice yoda sitting on top with his head shaking to the vibrations.

Gnomes and nukes and other things on our refrigerator

"Mommy when I grow up I want to help smash the white racist homophobic patriarchal bullsh*t paradigm too!"

This is just the beginning really. Hope you enjoyed a taste of my family.  Now you know why they named me Gaya


Sara said...

i *totally* want to sing and dance and bang on gongs with your parents. i think we'd all be besties. :) also, your dad is an awesome artist.

honestly - when it comes to families, the weirder (and more hippie), the better.

Gaya said...

My parents would love you!!! I will try to make something happen next time they are in town.

Laura Slipsky said...

Looks like more is more at your parents' place. Very cool!

Jill 'Lewandowski' Simmons said...

Reminds me of your house in Tahlequah :)