Wednesday, January 18

Fantasy Football.....

As we move in to 2012, it is important to reflect on 2011 and what you learned. Every year you should find something to challenge yourself. Some might try to learn a new language, others may try to learn to cook, do a triathlon, or workout to look good in pajama jeans. For 2011, I challenged myself by playing fantasy football.

You might say “Gaya playing fantasy football…are you crazy?” I have probably never watched a full football game in my life. A few of my girlfriends in Atlanta had a league going, and I decided to challenge myself.  I had no idea what a Tight End was, I am still confused if football is in halves or quarters….and I still don’t! ahahha.

I picked my players at first based on how they looked, but I found I had a bunch of quarterbacks and no other positions. Later, I learned the error in my ways, and started picking players based on their averages. There were 6 girls in the league, and guess what – I think I got 2nd place! I am not completely sure though, because the ESPN website is confusing sometimes (or most times!).

Lessons for next time:
  • If you want to be good, you should care (about winning and about the sport).
  • You should put a little money in the pot (we played without any cash on the table….so it is easy to stop caring).
  • You should set a reminder on your calendar to switch out players each week
  • Don’t emotionally attach yourself to a player or how good the player was supposed to be….if they start doing poorly, give them the boot.
  • Don’t pick players just upon their looks.
  • I won’t be trying to be a professional football player anytime soon, there are sooo many injuries, torn this, pulled that…no thanks!

What challenging stuff are you doing for 2012?


Unknown said...

Very impressive. It would be quite the challenge for me too!

Erin Tollison said...

this is absolutely hilarious. i've never joined a fantasy league before, but if/when i do, i'll be sure to take these pointers into account.