Friday, October 14

Do you Aldi?

So I went to Aldi the other day and have some thoughts to share:

First off, Aldi is a grocery store, according to wikipedia, ALDI is short for "Albrecht Discount", and is a discount grocery store that started in Germany. Interesting enough, Trader Joe’s began from a family trust of one of the two founders of ALDI. There are over 1,000 Aldi’s in the US, and over 9,000 worldwide (while there are less than 400 Trader Joe’s).

Aldi has staples (food, drinks (including wine), toilet paper, and other inexpensive household items. it seemed the majority of the products were their own brand (think trader joe's but not cutesy).

{Pretty crisp!}

{I should have tried these}

{Need a crock-pot?}

Some pro's:
-Not hard to make a decision, there is usually no more than two different brands for one kind of product. You want green beans - BAM - 1 choice, done!
-It was a small grocery store, and more manageable to leave without buying crazy items you never knew existed much less wanted (I have a problem at big grocery stores).
-Near my job
-The prices were good (especially on salsa, hummus, and pita chips).
-The products tasted fine (minus the hummus which was wayyyy to garlicky (although with Halloween and loose vampires..maybe I need to reconsider))
-No decorations and marketing tricks

Some neutral items:
-I think you have to pay for a cart, I was confused slash cheap so just carried stuff in the store and looked like a crazy lady
-They don't give you bags at the end (pro - for the environment, con - for me forgetting my own bags...dangit!)

Some con's:
-Them not taking credit card, and me having to leave the store, find an ATM, and come back! Kinda embarrassing, but I love my CC and the delta miles...

Overall I would rate my experience a B, not B+, not B-. It is no trader joe's on fun-ness, but it was nice on my wallet. My next stop is IGA. What are you thoughts on discount grocery stores? Any winning items I should look out for


Anonymous said...

Paying/renting for the cart is to just deter theft and having carts all willy nilly in the parking lot. The quarter for the cart is refundable. Im sorry no one let you know that lol

LauraFChiang said...

Have you ever been to H Mart? I think that is what it's called...a Korean grocery store that supposedly has phenomenal prices and good produce and seafood??? I think you should try that and blog about it so that I know if it is worthwhile:)

Gaya said...

@anonymous - dangit!!! I hate when my cheapness fails me! Although, I never have quarters anyway....I use them all in vending machines!

@Laura - field trip???

Anonymous said...

I don't know if they don't give you bags to save the environment. They didn't give bags out in the 80's either before it became chic to be environmentally friendly. I think it is just to be cheap. But, I guess it kills two birds with one stone. (Wow, now that I write that it is a really sick metaphor.)

Winnie said...

omg! Katie Z and I used to go to Aldi a lot when we lived in first it was so thrilling because everything was cheap, but then it turned out the breakfast cereal was packed with sugar, the produce spoils within 12 hours, etc etc. However, I did maintain a love for Winking Owl wine until I graduated.