Saturday, October 29

CONTEST: Halloween costumes for your pet

I am doing my first contest.  It is short notice, but awesome none the less.

As we all know from previous posts, I want a dog, someone to love me and greet me when I come home. In order to keep my hopes up slash convince Elliot about how awesome a dog would be, I have decided the first competition will be for a gift card of 10 dollars to Target (where they sell pet stuff). Not quite the big leagues - but everything counts!

Send me a pic of your pet (dog, cat, turtle, gerbil, etc) in their Halloween costume. I will vote, and will find 2 random co-worker who does not know any of you vote also - to minimize bias!

- You could submit up to 3 pics (of the same animal or of different animals).
- You must submit photos of animals you personally know (you don't have to be the owner, but if the owner submits a photo, you can't)
- You can NOT submit random photos you found online

Send me the pics to my email by Friday, November 4th.

Here is some inspiration:
Source: via Gaya on Pinterest

Source: via Gaya on Pinterest


Unknown said...

Definitely submitting pics of the this!!!

LauraFChiang said...

Boutros went as Clifford the Big Red Dog. Does that count?

Gaya said...

@Georgia - got your pics! Super cute
@Laura - most def. submit them my way