Tuesday, October 18

Thank you cornea burning laser!

Top 10 reasons I am loving my new 20/20 vision thanks to Lasik
  1. More bathroom counter and drawer space. Sigh-a-nar-a crap (see pic below)
  2. Waking up in the morning, reaching for my glasses and realizing I don’t need them
  3. Seeing the clock in the morning
  4. Getting to wear different sunglasses on a whim
  5. Being able to play tennis, jog, etc without the dang glasses shaking around
  6. No more expensive contact solution
  7. In the shower being confident I am using shampoo in my hair, instead of body wash
  8. No more smudges on the eyeglasses – woot woot!
  9. Seeing the individual leaves on a tree super far away…loving all these fall colors
  10. Having the best vision I have had since 5th grade

Here is a boat load of crap....mostly contacts, including an entire unopened box....adios!


Rachel Hull said...

Gaya- This has inspired me to look more into this! I've thought about it for awhile but personal testimony to me is so important. Going to ask my eye doctor at my next appointment :) -Rachel H.

Gaya said...

@Rachel - howdy chica, I miss seeing you! There are def. some cons and risks, but lasik has gotten much safer over the years. Something to consider. I kinda think of it like this - if you tolerate contacts well, then save the cash and go on a fun trip, if you don't tolerate them well, then look in to lasik

Kaleigh said...

yay!!! so exciting! congrats!

on kind of the opposite note, i got new glasses last week and am excited about them. first new pair since high school. (i always wear my contacts.)

i might get lasik one of these days. right now my 24 hour contacts are keeping me happy.

Gaya said...

@Kaleigh - I do love some cute glasses, sometimes I miss them, I think I looked smarter with glasses!

Shauna said...

Glad you did it, Gaya! It really is the best thing ever!

Anonymous said...

Gaya -- I don't know if I am going to recognize you without those hallmark glasses! Tamara