Monday, November 14

10 days till Africa

In less than 10 days I will be in South Africa!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it.  I am going for a little R&R and will spend 5 nights in Cape Town and 4 nights on a Safari to Kruger Sabi Sands!

Here are some pics of the loveliness!

{High Tea}

Source: via Gaya on Pinterest

{Fabulous Neighborhoods}
Source: via Gaya on Pinterest

{Wine Galore!}

Source: via Gaya on Pinterest

{Nice view from hotel}

{Safari - making friends}


Jean Evelyn Wise said...

I'm so excited for you! I'm planning a trip in March. Would love to hear all the details of your trip. =)

Gaya said...

@Jeannie - that is super exciting! Where are you going specifially?

LauraFChiang said...

GAYA!!!! This is so exciting. You are going to be in South Africa soon- sipping Pinotage and watching Lions hunt in the wild. You will have such an amazing time and you both deserve this R & R and QT. Have a Happy Thanksgiving in the southern hem:) Bring me back a baby elephant...